About the Models...

Hunter Green Studios is an art and model photography site and presents a series of fine art studies featuring glamour and nude models in various themed presentations from a private portfolio occasionally available for limited access.. Otherwise known as the tattoo free site. A collection of artistic studies of non-professional models who modeled for the first and, in most cases, the only time.  A certain freshness and enthusiasm is seen in our choices and evident in their expressions as models are of the age when expressing and enjoying their most feminine years is very important. Models are mostly college students and young professionals recruited from casual everyday situations with some variation of the line “You should be in pictures. Let us set up a test shoot, etc.” Models mostly 100% organic, no plastic or metal body parts or tattoos (a few minor exceptions).   Our thumbnails and feature photos are basically “pg” to avoid inappropriate under 18 access, excessive exposure, copyright infringement and to limit distribution to true connoisseurs of fine art and photography. Masks or abstract impressions seen on cover photos are not used in editions unless noted otherwise. 


 Hunter Green Studios specializes in beautiful women and amazing bodies. We rarely work with a model whose figure, face or body line is not exceptional or who have tattoos. And many have been voted “most wanted to see naked” in college bar events, year books and all those social media postings. Most of our models are sizes 0-4 and look great in the most stylish and glamorous outfits. And after they disrobe you can appreciate why. While most of our models have never posed before, and in most cases, ever again, our search over many years and after rejecting many applicants has uncovered astounding beauty usually in the prime of their ripe youth. Interestingly most are more than enthusiastic about being fully appreciated as long as it was for art and in a safe environment.


While most of these young ladies were photographed in college or shortly thereafter, we like to think that our photos helped launch many stellar careers with our confidence building reaffirmation of how poised and beautiful they are not just physically but also bringing out their inner beauty (as only being nude can fully reveal). Our efforts to boost this self-confidence has helped them achieve prominence in many career fields ranging from the law, politics, religion, public affairs, public and private relations sports administration and astronaut among other careers where eye candy is generously rewarded. And if it wasn’t for us discovering how much candy these beauties have, they would not have had the needed and very abundant self confidence that comes from showing off their stunning charms to push on to new and higher levels of accomplishment. So naturally being totally grateful for everything we have done for them over the years they want very much to participate in any artistic and humanitarian activities as long as their privacy is respected…somewhat.